
Schwetzinger Spargelsalat

Schwetzinger Spargelsalat

Schwetzinger Spargelsalat Dear Friends, Fans, and Readers, On December 27, 2018, I lost my mother, Mia Schwarze. I am posting this recipe in loving memory of her. Schwetzinger Spargelsalat — a creamy Asparagus Salad with Chicken named after the town of Schwetzingen — was a…

Mediterranean Salad with Roasted Beets and Fennel in a Creamy Vinaigrette

Mediterranean Salad with Roasted Beets and Fennel in a Creamy Vinaigrette

Mediterranean Salad with Roasted Beets and Fennel in a creamy vinaigrette (revised 8/4/18) When I first published this recipe, I posted it on various social media sites as well as Flipboard. (On the top right of this page is a link to my Flipboard magazine.)…