Post ID: 26

My Grandmother's Christmas Stollen

This is a traditional German treat eaten at Christmas time. This particular recipe was my grandmother’s, and I have since perfected it through repetition, and also updated it to use modern techniques and equipment. I like the simplicity of this particular recipe, many other Stollen recipes add marzipan, or much more candied fruit.

Yield: 1 Stollen – about 12 servings 
Prep time: 60 minutes
Cook Time: 60 minutes
Total time: 12o minutes


4 cups all purpose flour
1/2 cup milk at room temperature
1 1/4 tablespoons active dry yeast
1 1/2 cup (3 sticks) unsalted butter, divided
1/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup slivered almonds
1 1/4 cup raisins
1/2 cup candied lemon peel
1/2 cup confectionary sugar

How is this sustainable ?

Most of the ingredients in this tasty treat are organic, but the real gem in this recipe is that it has been passed down through several generations, preserving historic knowledge, techniques, and ingredients, but subtly improving on them.


  1. Pour flour into the bowl of a stand mixer.
  2. Create a hollow and add the room temperature milk and yeast.
  3. Cover bowl with a kitchen towel and let it rest in a warm place for about 5 minutes.
  4. Add 2 sticks butter and mix into flour with the dough hook.
  5. Add sugar, almonds, raisins and candied lemon peel and kneed thill dough feels smooth.
  6. Remove bowl from mixer, cover with kitchen towel again and let rest in a warm place for a minimum of 50 minutes. Dough should almost double in size.
  7. After about 40 minutes preheat oven to 395 degrees.
  8. Punch down dough creating an oval shape, then fold it lengthwise so one side overlaps the other by about 75 percent.
  9. Place stollen on a parchment lined baking sheet and bake on middle rack for 15 minutes, then reduce heat to 350 degrees and bake for another 40 to 45 minutes.
  10. Let Stollen cool down, then melt remaining 1 stick butter and baste top of Stollen.
  11. Sift confectionary sugar over the stollen.
  12. Serve as 1/2 inch thick slices, adding more confectionary sugar if desired right before serving.
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